Lord Ganesh Visarjan, 23nd Sep, 2023

Ganesh Visarjan, the immersion of Lord Ganesha idols in water bodies, marks the culmination of the Ten-day Ganesh Chaturthi festival. At NSIT, we believe in embracing cultural traditions while also being environmentally conscious.

Program Highlights:

  1. Cultural Performances – Students presented cultural performances, including dances and songs, celebrating the spirit of Lord Ganesha.
  2. Participation and Engagement – The Ganesh Visarjan event witnessed enthusiastic participation from Honorable Principal Prof. Dr. Nikunj Bhrambhatt, faculty, staff with students. It provided an opportunity for students from different cultural backgrounds to come together and appreciate the significance of the ritual while emphasizing environmental responsibility.
  3. Religious Rituals– The immersion ceremony included the chanting of prayers and bhajans, invoking Lord Ganesha’s blessings.

In conclusion, The Ganesh Visarjan event at NSIT was a harmonious blend of tradition and environmental responsibility. It served as a treatment for our commitment to celebrating cultural diversity while respecting the environment. We remain dedicated to promoting eco-friendly practices during festivals and fostering cultural understanding within our diverse students.
