+91 95121 19555
+91 95121 19555 | +91 63514 82838
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Admission Open in (Tick the Box)
1. B.Sc. – M.Sc. in Forensic Science (5 Year Integrated)2. M.Sc. in Forensic Science3. M. Sc. in Cyber Security4. M. Sc. in Digital Forensics and Information Security5. BBA-MBA course
Admission Category
Father's Name
Father's Occupation
Mother's Name
Mother's Occupation
Hostel facility required*
Passing Year
Documents Submitted
10th Marksheet
12th Marksheet
UG Final Semester Marksheet
UG Degree Certificate
Student's Aadhaar Card
Cast Certificate
Reference—Please choose an option—NFSU CAMPUSNewspaper AdvertisementDigital PlatformsCoaching ClassRecommended by SomeoneOthers
Declaration Of Candidate
I do hereby declare that all the particulars stated in the application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I have read the Admission rules and information Brochure, and I shall abide by all the rules and other terms and conditions for admission. In the event of suppression or distortion of any information provided in my application form. I understand that admission granted or approved by the Institute/University (NSIT/NFSU) shall be liable for cancellation.
Please retain a photocopy of the form before submission.
NSIT is not responsible for incomplete / incorrectly filled form sent by the candidates.
Please check your registered e-mail periodically for further updates and intimations.
Application Fees Rs. 1000/- (Rupees One Thousand Only)
Please submit cash along with completely filled downloaded application form at University Office.
You can pay by cheque/DD in favor of “NSIT” and send or submit it with the completely filled downloaded form.
I give my consent to consider my merit for admission in other eligible course, if seat is not available in first choice.